Endep (Anti Depressants)

Endep (Anti Depressants)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

ENDEP 3 Generic

Bed - wetting
Keep Endep of children's range. Do not give more Endep to your child than what is recommended by your doctor.
Doses recommended for the bed - wetting are less that doses had habit to treat depression and usually to depend on age of the person and on weight.
How to take it
Swallow the whole tablets with a water glass.
When to take it
Endep can be taken with or without food. Endep can be taken as a simple dose (eg. at bedtime) or as the divided doses
(eg. three times a day). Your doctor will recommend you.
Take your medicine in about the same time every day.
The catch of it at the same time every day will have the best effect. He will also help you to remember when to take it.
How long take it for

Continue taking Endep for as long as your doctor recommends.
The length of treatment will depend of how quickly your symptoms improve. Most medicines for depression take
the time to work, be not so discouraged if you do not feel better right away. Some persons point out an improvement of their depressive symptoms after 3 or 4 days. However, he can take in 4 weeks to smell the full advantages of Endep.
Even when you feel well, your doctor can ask you to continue taking Endep for 3 months or longer to be sure that advantages last.

Bed - wetting
Most children answer the treatment in some first days. However, the continued treatment is usually required to support answer up to the aims of bed - wetting.
If you forget to take it
If you take a dose one day (at bedtime): if you forget to take Endep before going to the bed and awakening you late in
at night or early in the morning, do not take the missed dose before you collate your doctor.
You can have difficulty by awakening you or know drowsiness in the morning or during day, if you take Endep in this time.
If you take more than one dose one day: if it is almost the time for your following dose, skip the dose that you almost took and your following dose when you are intended in. In another way, take the dose missed as soon as you remember and go back then to the catch of your tablets as you would go normally. Do not try to invent the dose to you missed by taking a double dose. If you are not sure that make, ask your doctor or chemist. If you have problem by remembering you to take your tablets, ask your chemist for some allusions.
If you take overdose) too much Call your doctor immediately or the Centre Of information of Poisons (call 13 11 26) for advice, or go to Accident and to Emergency in the closest hospital, if you believe you or whoever of other one can have taken too much from Endep. Make it even if there is no sign of discomfort or of poisoning.
You need urgent medical attention probably. If you take too much of Endep, you can feel made drowsy, cold, very vertiginous or have
a quick or irregular heart beat. You can have also crises, breathing of difficulty or lose conscience.
Keep Endep of children's range.
The children are much more sensitive than the adults in medicines such as Endep. An accidental overdose is especially dangerous at the children's.

While you take Endep
Things you must make
Say to your doctor immediately if you have suicidal thoughts or other mental changes / changes of mood.
From time to time, the symptoms of depression or of other psychiatric conditions can include thoughts of the very malfaisance or to commit suicide. These symptoms can go on or augment during first one-two months of treatment until the full effect of antidepressant of medicine becomes obvious. It will occur better at the children's, the teenagers and the young adults less than 25 years of age.

Contact your doctor or a professional of mental health right away or go to the closest hospital for the treatment if you or somebody whom you know show whatever following signs of warning of suicide:
* fact to deteriorate of your depression
* thoughts or dialogue of death or suicide
* thoughts or dialogue of trouble of one or from trouble to others
* any recent tries of trouble of one
* increase in aggressive behaviour, petulance or other unusual changes in behaviour or mood.

All mention of suicide or of violence must be seriously taken.
Say to your doctor if you think that tablets do not help your condition.

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